Premier Associate Member

Premier Associate Member – International Hospital Federation (IHF)

SSMC is a Premier Associate Member of the International Hospital Federation since 2024.

CAP Accredited

CAP Accredited – College of American Pathologist (CAP) Accreditation

The CAP Laboratory Accreditation Programme is a worldwide leader in laboratory quality assurance, improving patient safety by ensuring laboratories meet or exceed regulatory standards and requirements. CAP has accredited Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City Laboratory.

Baby – Friendly Accreditation

Baby – Friendly Accreditation

SSMC has been re-accredited with the Baby-Friendly Hospital certificate. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is an internationally accredited programme launched by the World Health Organization and UNICEF which aims to create a healthcare environment that supports breastfeeding as the norm. As a Baby-Friendly Hospital, SSMC fosters an environment wherein breastfeeding is encouraged, supported and promoted.


Gold Initiative Certificate – ‘Arab Healthcare Digital Transformation Star’ by the Arab Hospitals Federation in partnership with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

The Arab Hospitals’ Gold Initiative certificate honours healthcare leaders and institutions committed to effective climate action by building collective impact using innovation, investment, influence, as well as reducing carbon emissions and supporting clean and renewable energy initiatives and projects, leading the healthcare sector toward sustainability. Distinguishing SSMC’s implementation of digital technologies across its diagnostic, treatment and administration processes, the award validates the hospital’s efforts in providing excellent medical care and the highest levels of patient experience.

LightBlue Award

Gold Winner – Dr. Kwang Tae Kim Grand Hospital Award

SSMC received the prestigious Dr. Kwang Tae Kim Grand Hospital Award at the International Hospital Federation (IHF) Awards 2023, in recognition of its commitment to service excellence and patient care.

The award is the highest honour for an individual hospital within the IHF and is presented to the organisation that demonstrates excellence across five dimensions of healthcare delivery – health service quality, patient experience, clinical outcomes and health equity, cost efficiency and workforce well-being.


Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) Accreditation

AABB has been a leader in developing standards and accrediting facilities in the blood and biotherapies community since 1958. To become accredited, a facility must comply with the current edition of standards and adhere to other outlined accreditation requirements.


ISO15189-2021 Accreditation for Laboratory Services

ISO 15189 accreditation underpins confidence in the quality of medical laboratories through a process that verifies their integrity, impartiality, and competence. The accredited certificate was received by Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City in April 2021.


Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA)

The JCI Gold Seal of Approval is an internationally recognised accreditation that reflects an organisation’s commitment to best practices in quality and patient safety. Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City received the JCI Gold Seal of Approval in February 2022.


Organ Donation Unit (ODU) Certification

QS ZÜRICH AG is the certification body for management systems in the following domains: quality, environment, medical device, food safety, energy, welding technology, and occupational health and safety. Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City received the certification in February 2022.


ISO17025 Certification for TLD Services

ISO17025 is an international standard for laboratory accreditation services. It stands as the laboratory management standard developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation ISO/CASCO (International Organisation for Standardisation/Conformity Assessment Committee). Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City received its accreditation in March of 2020.

CAP Accredited

American Heart Association

SSMC’s Life Support Training Center is accredited by the American Heart Association (AHA) for its Neonatal Resuscitation Programme (NRP) discipline. Through rigorous training, course monitoring and site inspections, SSMC is now one of a few hospitals in the UAE with an International AHA accreditation to deliver NRP programmes.

CAP Accredited

Lab Sustainability Awards

The Lab Sustainability Award encourages action on a range of sustainable laboratory areas and links to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City’s Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department won the second place at the first Lab Sustainability Awards held at Medlab Middle East 2023.

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