Paediatric Neurology is a speciality of Paediatrics that deals with evaluating and treating neurological conditions that affect children's brains, nerves and muscles. These conditions may be congenital (present at birth), genetic, metabolic or acquired through circumstance. The patients of Paediatric Neurology range from infants to adolescents.

Living with neurological diseases is a taxing experience. If not dealt with, they can lead to physical impairment or even disability. However, neurological disorders can be especially challenging for children. Unless treated, children affected by neurological disease face difficulty achieving critical developmental milestones.

At the division of Paediatric Neurology, we understand the value of your child. Our team of experienced doctors is committed to delivering the best possible care available with complete sincerity to make sure they grow up lively and healthy. The trust you place in us is our privilege to behold.

Why choose SSMC?

Assisted by advanced medical technology and modern facilities, our consultant-led team of world-class paediatricians and specialists in paediatric neurology delivers high-quality healthcare services. The department of Paediatric Neurology is renowned for its use of Vagus Nerve Stimulators for treating intractable epilepsy, Enzyme Replacement Therapy for neurometabolic disorders, and using Intrathecal Drug Injection for dealing with spinal muscular atrophy. Through our veteran doctors, SSMC is dedicated to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of our patients.

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