Recruitment Fraud Alert

Sometimes The Identity Of “SSMC” Is Used Fraudulently In Fake Recruitment Campaigns, False Job Offers, And Fake Business Propositions

SSMC has no relation to any job offers that are not made through its official channels for that purpose as described below. Hence, SSMC shall not be liable for any of such offers; SSMC shall not be responsible for any consequences of any job offers not made through its specific official channels, or resulted from any fraudulent activities using the name of SSMC. SSMC also disclaims any losses suffered by any party as a result of some operations performed by it in respect of any fake or fraudulent offers.


How Would I Know?

The fraudster poses as a representative of SSMC. They pretend that they are offering an opportunity to contract with
SSMC to provide goods or services; or that there is an investment opportunity. Often (not always) the fraud involves
requesting you to pay money to them in order to win the contract or participate in the investment.

SSMC will never ask for money from a third party in order for that third party to participate in its procurement
process or in order to be considered for a business or investment opportunity.

Applying for vacant jobs at SSMC is ONLY accessible through the Job Portal on the website which is the official domain name registered to “SSMC” on the Internet
and is also the approved domain for e-mail [email protected] .

What Should I Do?

Always remember – if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Use your common sense:

  • Do not respond to unsolicited business propositions from sources you cannot independently verify as
    being legitimate.
  • Do not provide personal or financial details to anyone you do not know or trust, or on a website you do
    not trust.
  • Be alert for suspicious signs:
  • Be suspicious when dealing with anyone who does not have a direct telephone line / who never answer when
    you call their number but return your call later (from a different number).
  • Always independently verify the legitimacy of any business or investment opportunity before you take any
  • SSMC has an official account on LinkedIn, and all e-mail communications are sent from e-mail addresses
    ending in the following domain @SSMC.AE

Consider if it’s appropriate to notify local law enforcement in your area if you are the victim of an attempted scam.

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