SSMC Graduate Medical Education Center accepts highly qualified interns, residents and fellows for its training programs

Statement of Commitment to Medical Education

Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC) adopts the mission and values of its parent organizations, SEHA, to “inspire hope and promote health through integrated Clinical Practice, Education and Research”. The Education Shield at SSMC is composed of five centers of Healthcare Education including the Center for Graduate Medical Education, the Center for Medical Student Education, the Center for Workforce and Professional Development, the Center for Health Sciences, and the Center for Nursing Education. The Education Shield is led by an appointed Dean of Education, five Associate Deans and a structured and integrated network of Administrators, Associate Administrators and Residency Coordinators. The Education Shield operates a substantial budget to develop and implement a comprehensive and strategic Education plan in full alignment with the strategic priorities of the institution. The Center for Graduate Medical Education, governed by the Graduate Medical Education Committee and its Chair – the Designated Institutional Official, is committed to building and continuously improving education excellence in programs of medical internship, residency and fellowship. Our GME programs provide a learner-centered environment that fosters the development of knowledge, skill and professional competence. The Center for Graduate Medical Education provides the necessary educational, financial and human resources to meet and exceed all training requirements and standards of accreditation, including: leadership and faculty protected time, scholarly activities and faculty development, technology support and simulation facilities, trainee supervision, safety and wellness, and faculty and staff and trainee reward and recognition. The unwavering commitment of SSMC to its sponsored and participating programs is a reflection of its integral strategy in building the future workforce and developing the next generation of healthcare leaders.

The Goals and Objectives of GME Center

  • Providing postgraduate medical education to young physician graduates across the medical and clinical education continuum in collaboration with local, regional and international stakeholders. Currently, SSMC provides training to 171 physicians in 8 medical education programs of clinical internship, fellowship & residency
  • Oversight to all institutional and program level accreditation requirements, establishing policies for graduate medical education and assuring that the training programs comply with DOH policies and procedures
  • Maintain the accreditation status by all relevant accrediting bodies (ACGME-I, Arab Board, Jordanian Board, Emirati Board, DOH, etc) of the Sponsoring Institution and all its programs
  • Assuring an educational environment in which residents may raise and resolve issues without fear of intimidation or retaliation
  • Reviewing and approving all applications for new program accreditation
  • Oversight of all processes related to reductions or closures of any individual program, major participating sites or sponsoring institution.
  • Approving all major administrative decisions within GME programs

To apply to any program, please proceed to the DoH website Residency and Fellowship Application Process 2022 ( and submit your application through the MEAD application system.

For further inquiries and assistance, please contact us on the email below:

[email protected]

Dr. Abdulkarim Saleh

Associate Dean, GME Center

Dr. Waseem Fathalla

Pediatrics, Program Director

Dr. Mohamad Istanboli

Neurology, Program Director

Dr. Sami Melki

Otolaryngology, Program Director

Dr. Mohamed Abu Haleeqa

Hematology, Program Director

Dr. Seema Nour

Cardiology, Program Director

Dr. Saeed Al Marzooqi

Gastroenterology, Program Director

Dr. Kholoud Khawaja

Rheumatology and Pediatric
Rheumatology, Program Director

Dr. Deanne Kashiwagi

Internal Medicine, Program Director

Dr. Sanjay Ayathan

Emergency Medicine, Program Director

Dr. Zahir Babiker

Infectious Disease, Program Director

Dr. Hassa Al Mazrouei

Internship, Program Director

Reem Al Husari

Institutional Program Coordinator

Wendelyn Jorge

Internal Medicine, Program Coordinator

Nidhi Nagu

Emergency Medicine, Neurology and Hematology Program Coordinator

Sean Kevin Arada

Cardiology and Infectious
Disease, Program Coordinator

Mark Anthony Pallorina

Rheumatology, Pediatrics and Pediatric
Rheumatology, Program Coordinator

Fatma El Khodary

Gastroenterology and Otolaryngology, Program Coordinator

Bashir Ahmed

Internship Program Coordinator

SSMC receives accreditation by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada as an education institute

SSMC has officially received accreditation by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada as an education institute for four years. The accreditation will raise the bar for medical education standards and enhance the overall quality of training outcomes. Trainees who have successfully completed their graduate medical education (GME) training will now have the opportunity to pursue specialty and subspecialty certification exams offered by the royal college, making them eligible to receive prestigious certifications.

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