June 28, 2024

Living with Cochlear Implants: Life Post-Surgery

Living with Cochlear Implants: Life Post-Surgery

People who have had cochlear implant surgery, the journey ahead is exciting and full of new opportunities. Cochlear implants will restore your ability to connect with the world through sound which can greatly improve your quality of life, it can also help you to reconnect with your loved ones, be more independent and feel more confident.

In this blog we will discuss how this journey might come with some challenges and it will require patience and persistence. However, with each step forward and with some of the tips shared below, you will find yourself empowered to live life to the full again.

Turning on Your Device and Discovering a new Tune

Usually, two to four weeks after surgery, you will see an audiologist who will activate your device. The audiologist will program the device, adjusting loudness and other settings to improve speech and sound recognition.

If only it was as simple as flicking a switch to hear sounds and understand speech right after surgery. However, learning to hear again – or indeed for the first time – is a process that will take time.

Initially, everyday speech and noises may seem unfamiliar, perhaps artificial or mechanical. This is because your brain requires time and practice to recognise and process these new sounds.

In most cases, the settings need to be fine-tuned over several appointments to maximize sound quality. Follow-up appointments are scheduled in the weeks and months after activation, it is important to attend all of these sessions for your progression.

“Hearing sounds with your device for the first time is emotional and exciting, but it can also be frustrating if clarity is not perfect yet. Regular sessions with an audiologist and a speech therapist are essential to improve your hearing quickly and make the most out of your cochlear implant.” Sharafudheen Kunhi, Senior Audiologist at SSMC.

Top Tips for Sound Success
  1. Consistency is Key: Keep your external processor on whenever you are awake, it is your ticket to success
  1. Take your Time: Hearing from a cochlear implant differs from normal hearing, it takes time to adapt to new sounds and speech
  1. Exercise your Brain: Regularly participate in auditory training and rehabilitation programs to see faster improvements in your hearing
  1. Share the Journey: Connect with fellow cochlear implant users to exchange stories
  1. Improve your Listening: Tune into music, podcasts or audiobooks to train your brain to recognise sounds
  1. Find your Team: Include family and friends in your recovery journey, their support and encouragement will help you improve
The Future of your Hearing Journey

A variety of factors can impact your cochlear implant hearing timeline, such as age or severity of hearing loss. The average timeline is at least three to six months after surgery.

Research has shown varying success rates in hearing improvement. Specifically, 82% of adults who lost their hearing after learning to speak experienced improved hearing, compared to 54% of adults born with hearing loss.  That’s why we recommend early surgery for newborns with hearing loss to facilitate speech learning at a young age before adaptation becomes more difficult, which will improve the surgery success rate.

When choosing a care provider, find a facility that provides regular check-ups and ensure you have a complete team of experts, such as doctors, audiologists, and speech therapists, all dedicated to helping and supporting you.

This ensures that you receive excellent, all-round care following your surgery, as well as during your recovery and rehabilitation.

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