Facial nerve paralysis can result from various conditions including Bell’s palsy, surgical injury, viral infection, trauma, or tumors.

Facial nerve tumors affect the temporal bone and may involve any aspect of the facial nerve. These tumors can be benign or malignant, i.e., non-cancerous or cancerous.

Facial nerve rehabilitation helps restore functions of the facial muscles following injuries or tumors that impact the facial nerves.

Our team of North American and European Board Certified expert otolaryngologists specialize in providing facial nerve rehabilitation services to facilitate better patient outcomes.

What does the treatment include?

Various facial nerve rehabilitation techniques provide specialized rehabilitative benefits to patients. The patient’s age, physical health, and severity of symptoms are essential indicators when formulating treatment plans.

Treatments for facial nerve conditions include facial nerve rehabilitation therapy, surgical correction using various techniques such as nerve transfers, nerve grafting, or facial nerve decompression through the mastoidectomy or middle cranial fossa approach.

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