Welcome to the website for the suppliers registration of SSMC
In order to submit your request for registration, Please use the below link:
In order to submit your request for registration, Please use the below link:
Steps & Documents needed to complete the E-Supplier Registration:
- Trade License
- TAX certificate (TRN)
- User Authorization, Declaration, Mandatory Requirement (Download)
- Power of Attorney (For the Authorized Person to sign the Agreements) or Memorandum of association, Authorized signatory of Contract, Full Name, Designation & Address of person authorized to sign on contracts.(in both language Arabic and English) in official letter, (Download)
- SEHA Third Parties Code of Conduct (Signed & Stamped) (Download)
- Bank Account or IBAN Certificate.

Provide Below Certificate Only for Medical Companies:
- Marketing/distribution letter from the manufacturing company of the item to assign a distributor or an agent within UAE, letter to be issued from the manufacture or marketing authorization company of the item.
- Copy of valid Medical Store license issued from Ministry of Health and prevention (MOHAP) or no-objection letter for distribution of the item within UAE issued by MOHAP or other governmental health authority.
For any registration inquiry or technical issues:
Please contact us at the below link:
Please contact us at the below link: