March 31, 2023

Sleeping Soundly: Regulating Your sleeping during ramadan

Sleeping Soundly: Regulating Your sleeping during ramadan
Sleep deprivation is linked to a whole host of health problems – our “normal” sleep schedule and eating patterns get thrown off by social gatherings and erratic work timings during Ramadan. Some common ways in which lack of sleep regulation affects our well-being are as follows:
  • Headaches and mood swings: Our body operates on a circadian rhythm, which is an internal 24-hour clock that regulates our sleeping patterns. Changes in this pattern can disrupt the circadian rhythm, causing mood swings, irritability, and in extreme cases, headaches and migraines.
  • Slow cognitive function: Sleep improves our ability to think clearly and to retain information. A lack of sleep impairs our ability to pay full attention, slows our reaction times and impairs our creative and problem-solving abilities.
  • Weight gain: Sleep deprivation can cause hormonal imbalances, affecting appetite and hunger. It can also affect your eating habits, making you crave fatty and sugary food, leading to weight gain.

Tips to regulate your sleep during Ramadan

Getting used to a sleeping schedule that lets you sleep and wake up at the same time every day is vital.
  1. Consistency: It’s more efficient to sleep for longer periods at one time rather than take multiple shorter naps. Sleep at least four hours every night after iftar before rising for suhoor and Fajr. Once suhoor is over, try returning to sleep for a few hours before starting your day.
  2. Grab a nap: A 20-40 minute power nap in the afternoon can help keep you going until iftar.
  3. Eating habits: Eating a heavy meal during iftar can disturb your sleep as your body tries to digest your food. Having caffeine several hours before sleeping can also disrupt the quality and quantity of your sleep.
  4. Create a sleepy environment: A dark and quiet space is ideal for restful sleep. Screen time can affect how quickly you fall asleep and the quality of your sleep, so limit your screen time after your nightly prayers.

Although Ramadan is a month in which fasting is mandatory for Muslims, there are conditions in which Muslims are excused to fast (assuring that they make up for them later) in case of severe medical conditions that affect their health.
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