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What is the definition of premature birth?

Birth before 37 weeksBirth after 37 weeksBirth after 40 weeks

Approximately, what percentage of babies worldwide are born prematurely?


What are the leading causes of fatal childhood injuries?

Road trafficDrowning and fallsBurns and chokingAll of the above

Premature infants are at an increased risk of experiencing which of the following health complications

Breathing difficultiesDevelopmental delaysVision or hearing impairmentsCognitive impairments

What is the leading cause of death amongst children and adolescents?

Accidental injuriesNon-accidental injuries

Does avoiding giving your child hard candy, popcorn, raw carrots and grapes keep them safe from choking?


How long should you keep the affected burn area under running water?

1 min5 min15-20 min

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