Adolescent Medicine is a division of Paediatrics focused on caring and treating patients in their adolescent stage of development. To meet all the medical needs of individuals ranging from ages of 10 to 18, Adolescent Medicine coordinates its healthcare services with many types of other subspeciality groups. The human body goes through many significant changes as it hits puberty and begins the transition to adulthood. This change brings with it a spectrum of many health problems ranging from physical and mental, to social and behavioural. As a result, SSMC's division of Adolescent Medicine adopts a multifaceted approach when caring for young adults facing these problems. Working in close collaboration with General Paediatrics and other needed subspecialities, Adolescent Medicine deals with many different cases found in adolescents, ranging from common issues like vitamin deficiencies and growth problems to childhood obesity and eating disorders.

Why choose SSMC?

Our consultant-led team of expert paediatricians and specialists in adolescent medicine are assisted by cutting-edge medical technology and state-of-the-art facilities to work in tandem with experts from multiple subspecialities to treat their patients. SSMC is dedicated to provide compassionate, coordinated and curative care to young adults during this transformational time of their lives.
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