A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain or inside the skull. Although the exact cause of brain tumors is not known, they can occur at any age and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including radiation exposure and sometimes genetics.


Symptoms of a brain tumor depend on the size, location and type of tumor. Common symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Weakness or numbness in one part or one side of your body
  • Changes in vision, hearing, cognitive function, or behavior.
  • Nausea and vomiting


Our experienced medical professionals analyze the patient's medical history and perform a series of diagnostic tests to reach an accurate diagnosis. These tests may include:

Neurological exam: A comprehensive neurological exam includes checking the patient’s vision, hearing, balance, coordination, strength and reflexes.

Computed Tomography (CT) scan: CT scans use X-rays to create images of the brain. It can detect problems in and around your brain and it gives clues to decide what test to do next.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): This is the most commonly used imaging test for brain tumors. It uses powerful magnets to create detailed images of the brain, allowing doctors to visualize the location, size and characteristics of the tumor. Usually, a contrast dye may be injected to enhance the visibility of the tumor.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan: PET scans can help determine the brain tumors that are growing quickly. Brain tumors that aren't cancerous tend to grow more slowly, so PET scans are less useful for benign brain tumors. Not everyone with a brain tumor needs a PET scan.

Biopsy: Neurosurgeons usually need to remove all or part of the tumor during surgery for examination under a microscope to identify the type of tumor and whether it is cancerous or benign.


Treatment for brain tumors largely depends on the type, size and location of the tumor, along with the patient’s overall health.

Our highly skilled physicians offer a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments for effectively treating brain tumors. These may include:

Brain tumor surgery: In many cases, surgical removal of the tumor is the primary treatment. The goal is to remove as much of the tumor as possible without damaging healthy brain tissue and the surroundings.

Radiation therapy: This treatment uses high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It is often used after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells or as the primary treatment when surgery is not possible.

Chemotherapy: This treatment uses medications to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be administered orally or intravenously. It can be used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells or prevent them from growing.

Targeted therapy: Medications like these identify and kill specific cancer cells based on their biological characteristics. Your brain tumor cells may be tested to see whether targeted therapy is likely to help you

Immunotherapy: This treatment stimulates your immune system to fight cancer cells.

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