Dr. Nashwa Awad

Neonatology Specialist
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Dr. Nashwa Awad, MD, is a Neonatology Specialist in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC) in Abu Dhabi.

With 18 years of experience in the field of neonatology, Dr. Awad was enrolled in a 3 year-long neonatology training programme and coached Egyptian fellowship programmes of neonatology a year after her graduation. She was certified by the Arab Board in Neonatology in 2016 and is dedicated to providing specialised patient-centric care to patients.

Doctor can help with

  • Neonatal intensive care
  • Care for premature babies

Licences and certifications

  • Department of Health (DOH), Abu Dhabi, Neonatology Consultant License
  • Egyptian Medical Syndicate (EMS) - Neonatology Consultant License

Training and work experience

  • Neonatology Specialist

    Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC), UAE

  • Neonatology Specialist

    Mafraq Hospital, UAE

  • Paediatric Specialist

    Ministry of Health, Egypt

  • Neonatology Specialist

    Ministry of Health, Egypt

  • Neonatology Coach

    The High Committee of Medical Specialties, Egypt

  • Trainee, Paediatrics

    Mansoura University Children’s Hospital (MUCH), Egypt

  • Trainee, Neonatology

    Mansoura University Children’s Hospital (MUCH), Egypt


  • Bachelor Degree in Medicine and General Surgery

    Mansoura University, Egypt
  • Masters Degree in Paediatrics

    Mansoura University, Egypt
  • Fellow, Egyptian Fellowship in Neonatology

    Arab Board of Health Specialisations
  • Arab Board of Health Specialisations, Neonatology

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